The Scientific Committee is a consultative body of the Foundation, composed of individuals of recognized renown and experience in the scientific fields relevant to the Foundation. Its members are selected and appointed by the Board of Directors based on recommendations from the Scientific Director.
The Scientific Committee is coordinated by the Scientific Director, who is also a member, and collaborates with the Board of Directors to provide opinions and proposals regarding the annual program of initiatives and any other matters for which the Board of Directors expressly requests its input to define the Foundation’s strategy.
Each member of the Scientific Committee serves a three-year term and may be reappointed.

ANTONIO ALIZZI (Scientific Director)
was born in Wolfsburg, Germany, in 1982. He is a writer and a manager.
After completing his classical high school education, he graduated in International Relations and European Integration from the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan. He earned a Master’s in Human Resources Management from the Business School of Il Sole 24Ore, and later obtained a PhD in Organizational and Managerial Sciences from the Università Cattolica in Milan.
He has participated in conferences as a speaker and is the author of scientific publications on the topics of innovation and strategic communication.
From 2011 to 2014, he was a Professor of Management for Publishing at the University of Verona. From May 2014 to November 2016, he was in Moscow, Russia, serving as Head of Communication and Image for Calzedonia Russia and, in 2016, also as coordinator of the same office in London.
From late 2016 to September 2018, still in Moscow, he was appointed First Vice President of the international media group AS RUS – ACMG (Forbes, L’Officiel, Geo, SNC, Numéro, Golf Digest, etc.).
From December 2020 to October 2023, Antonio was Director of Organization and Human Resources, as well as Head of Corruption Prevention and Transparency, and Head of the Purchasing and Procurement Office at the ENEA Tech and Biomedical Foundation.
He is the Scientific Director of the Rizzola Academy Foundation, supervisor of Rizzola Magazine, and strategic communication consultant for, among others, the Rizzola Clinic in San Donà di Piave (VE). He also collaborates with the EURISPES Institute.
His latest book of interviews with international leaders, Vite da Funamboli (Lives of Tightrope Walkers), was published by Sandro Teti Editore in 2019.

Originally from Padua, Massimo Balsano is a spinal orthopedic surgeon.
He graduated from the University of Padua in 1983, specializing in Orthopedics and Traumatology at the Orthopedic Clinic of the University of Padua.
From 2000 to 2017, he served as Director of the Complex Operational Unit of Orthopedics at the Hospital Presidio of Santorso, Thiene, and Schio.
Since 2018, he has been the Director of the Spinal Surgery Department at the University Hospital of Verona, which serves as the Regional Hub for Spinal Surgery.
He is a contract professor at the specialization schools of Orthopedics and Traumatology at the Universities of Verona and Sassari.
He currently serves as Vice President of the Italian Society of Spinal Surgery (SICV&GIS).
He is a Past President of the ISASS (International Society for Advanced Spinal Surgery).
He is also the president of the Education course for Eurospine.
He is the author of numerous scientific publications and has been invited as a speaker at various national and international congresses.
He has performed over 10,000 spinal surgeries throughout his career.

Born in Granada, Spain, graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Granada (Spain) and specialized in Family Medicine in Granada and in Orthopedics and Traumatology in Madrid (Spain). He earned a PhD from the University of Salamanca (Spain) and is qualified to practice his specialty in Switzerland. In 2016, he obtained the Italian National Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor. Since 2003, he has been working in Italy, where since 2013 he has served as the Director of the 4th Division of Spinal Surgery – GSpine4 at IRCCS Galeazzi Sant’Ambrogio Hospital in Milan.
He has held the position of Contract Professor for the Master’s program in Microneurosurgery at the University of Turin and for the specialization schools of Orthopedics at the Universities of Milan and Genoa, a position he still holds. In 2020, he was elected Chairman of the AOSpine Board for Europe and South Africa, a role he continues to fulfill.
He has published over 190 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals with Impact Factors, primarily in the fields of minimally invasive spinal surgery and scoliosis and spinal deformity surgery. His articles have received over 3,000 citations.
Since 2021, he has been practicing at the Rizzola Clinic in San Donà di Piave.

Born in Como in 1946, he lives in Pavia. After earning his degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Pavia in 1971, he specialized first in Anesthesiology and later in Neurosurgery at the same university. He worked at the Policlinico San Matteo in Pavia until 1990 and later at the Salvatore Maugeri Foundation (now Istituti Clinici Scientifici Maugeri) in the same city, where he established and developed the Pain Therapy Center, now recognized as a HUB of the Lombardy Region.
He has always focused on the diagnosis and treatment of pain in patient care and clinical research. He has published numerous articles in international journals and has taught as an adjunct professor at various universities. He has been a speaker at numerous national and international conferences and has been appointed as a board member of several scientific societies in the field of pain management. He has also been part of various commissions at the Ministry of Health and the Lombardy Region. In particular, he contributed to the drafting and approval of Law 38 of 2010 and Regional Decree 4610 of 2012, which established Pain Therapy in Italy and Pain Therapy Centers in Lombardy.
In recent years, he has served as a consultant for the Maugeri Institutes, with a focus on research and training, continuing his “fight” to establish a clear identity for the discipline of Pain Therapy and to promote a culture of appropriate and effective pain treatment. Examples of this effort include his novel Liberi dal dolore (Free from Pain), published by Mondadori, and the scientific text All’origine del dolore (At the Origin of Pain). The former conveys his human experience, while the latter presents his clinical knowledge.

graduated cum laude in Law from the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan. He obtained a second-level Master’s degree in Healthcare Management from SDA Bocconi in Milan and holds a PhD in Public Law Institutions from the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan. From 2011 to 2015, he was a Research Fellow in Administrative Law at the Department of Law at Roma Tre University. He is an adjunct professor of Healthcare Law at the University of Milan and Regional Law at the University of Milan Bicocca. He is also a member of the Bicocca Public Administration Law and Innovation Observatory – DIPAB.
He is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Observatory on the Care Conditions of Cancer Patients of the National Federation of Volunteer Associations in Oncology (FAVO).
He has authored numerous publications in the fields of Healthcare Law, Pharmaceutical Law, Social Rights, and Privacy.
As a lawyer, he is a Partner and Head of the Healthcare & Not-for-Profit Law Team at Ferrari Pedeferri Boni & Soci, an associated law firm. His practice focuses primarily on Healthcare Law, Pharmaceutical Law, and the Nonprofit sector, providing legal consultancy and assistance to public and private healthcare institutions, pharmaceutical companies, scientific societies, patient organizations, and other Third Sector entities.

Vice President of the Institute for Competitiveness, an independent research institute he co-founded in 2005, which promotes themes and analyses on competitiveness with an innovative approach within the European and international political-economic framework.
He is a member of the Scientific Committee of UNCEM – National Union of Mountain Municipalities, Communities, and Authorities, and of the Rizzola Academy Foundation.
He provides consultancy services to public and private entities on topics related to local development, innovation, and European project design. He has conducted numerous studies and research on energy and environmental issues, with a particular focus on the sustainability of energy systems, renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, policies for reducing climate-altering emissions, and energy innovation.
Alongside his research and analysis activities, he has led numerous projects in the energy and environmental sectors for both private and public entities. In recent years, he has carried out many international cooperation projects on energy and environmental issues, funded by the European Commission or other international organizations (World Bank, UNDP, EBRD).
Before focusing on energy, he worked in research on the optical properties of matter for photonic applications. He graduated in Physics from the University of Rome “La Sapienza” in 1998. He later earned a Master’s degree from the European School of Advanced Studies in Materials Science (University of Pavia – 2000) and a Master’s in Energy Resource Management (SAFE – 2004).

Professor of Political Economy, since October 2019, she has been the Rector of the University of Milan-Bicocca and, as of November 2023, the President of CRUI (Conference of Italian University Rectors).
She graduated in Economic and Social Disciplines from Bocconi University and obtained her PhD in Economics from Louvain Neuve University. She spent many years abroad at some of the most prestigious economics departments (University of Rochester, Carlos III University of Madrid, University of Cambridge). She has also served as President of the Doctoral School at the University of Milan-Bicocca.
She is President of the CORIMAV consortium and a board member of the Silvio Tronchetti Provera Foundation. She is also a member of the Scientific Committee of the journal Nuova Atlantide. Giovanna is a board member of Intesa San Paolo Private Banking S.p.A., Vice President of the CINECA Inter-University Consortium, and a member of the Supervisory Board of the Human Technopole Foundation. She is President of MUSA scarl (Multilayered Urban Sustainability Action), a project approved under the PNRR Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.5. Additionally, she serves on the Board of Directors of ANTHEM (AdvaNced Technologies for Human-centEred Medicine) and the Corriere della Sera Foundation.
Her research interests are focused on game theory, political economy decisions, and microeconomics. Specifically, she studies the properties of solution concepts in game theory models and their applications to various electoral systems.

Born in Marsala (TP), he graduated in Medicine and Surgery with participation in the Albanese Prize at the University of Palermo. He specialized in Anesthesia and Intensive Care and in Orthopedics and Traumatology at the University of Milan. Since 1975, he has been working at the I.R.C.C.S. Galeazzi Sant’Ambrogio Hospital in Milan, where from 2000 to 2016 he served as head of the 2nd Section of Spinal Surgery.
Since 2003, he has been an adjunct professor at the School of Specialization in Orthopedics and Traumatology at the University of Milan and head of the Reference Center for Spinal Surgery for AOSpine European Regions ( Since 2008, he has also been an adjunct professor at the School of Specialization in Neurosurgery at the University of Turin.
Since 2016, he has been the director of the GSpine4 Spinal Surgery Department and the director of the Spinal Research Program. He is the author of over 130 scientific publications in both Italian and international journals.
For more than two years, he has also been practicing at the Rizzola Clinic in San Donà di Piave.

Born in Verona in 1975, she holds a degree in Economics and Commerce from the University of Verona and a PhD in Business Economics and Corporate Governance from the University of Naples “Parthenope.”
Since 2004, she has been a Researcher in Business Economics and Management, and since 2019, she has been an Associate Professor at the University of Verona.
She is a professor responsible for teaching management courses at undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate levels.
Her research interests focus on entrepreneurship, decision-making processes, and the development, enhancement, and sustainability of territories. She participates in various local, national, and international research projects and has authored numerous publications, mainly featured in international conference proceedings, monographs, and journals. She is active in the community as a speaker at various knowledge-sharing events, discussing the most impactful societal issues, and serves as a reviewer for prominent international scientific journals.
Her institutional commitment to the University of Verona is ongoing: she has been a member of the Academic Senate, the Board of Directors, a representative in the Quality Assurance Office, a member of the Joint Student-Teacher Commission, a member of the Standing Committee for Planning and Budgeting, and a member of the University Commission for Environmental Education and Energy Saving.

Born in Verona in 1954.
He graduated in Economics and Commerce from the University of Padua.
A Full Professor of Business Economics and Management at the University of Verona, he served as Vice President of Agsm S.p.A. in Verona from 2002 to 2005. In the spring of 2006, he was elected to the Italian Chamber of Deputies and joined the Committee on Productive Activities, Trade, and Tourism. He was re-elected in 2008 and was appointed National Head of Energy and Public Services for the Democratic Party.
In 2013, he was elected Director of the Department of Business Economics at the University of Verona.
In 2014, he was appointed Commissioner of ENEA, the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy, and Sustainable Development, and became its President from March 2016 to July 2021. In the fall of 2021, he was appointed to the Board of Directors of ISPRA (Institute for Environmental Protection and Research) by the Ministry of the Environment. In December 2022, he was named President of AgsmAim, the multi-utility company serving the cities of Verona and Vicenza.
As a Chartered Accountant and Auditor, he has performed auditing activities for local administrations and major private companies.
He has collaborated with business associations and companies in developing programs aimed at fostering entrepreneurial growth, competitiveness, and marketing for small and medium-sized enterprises. He is also part of the panel of experts at the Aspen Institute.
He is a board member of research foundations and organizations supporting the world of volunteering.
He has authored publications in national and international journals on topics such as management, business economics, public utilities management, and energy policy.